Setting Your Preschool Dancer up for Success This School Year

Preschool Dance Classes

Sending your preschooler off to dance class is a great milestone! We are so happy you’ve decided to share your child with our staff at Prestige Dance Studio and we can’t wait to teach them their dance class basics! Check out our 7 tips to set your preschool dancer up for success this school year:

  1. Dress the part!

Tiny dancers can get distracted easily if they have the wrong color shoes or if outfit malfunctions occur. Before class, make sure your dancer’s ballet slippers are tied tightly and their elastic bows are tucked in under the top of the shoe. For all other dance shoes, be sure that the laces are double knotted and there is little chance of them coming untied during class, as this causes a safety concern and a distraction. Make sure their hair is pulled up tightly off their face so they can see their instructor and stay focused. Lastly, take some time to review our dress code online, making sure your dancer has everything they need! 

2. Make sure your dancer is fed.

As parents, I’m sure that you’re all well aware of how CRABBY children can get when they are hungry. It’s hard for a preschooler to focus on ANYTHING and their hunger may be a buzzkill for not only them but the entire class. A healthy snack before class is a good idea!

3. Take your dancer to the bathroom right before class starts.

Potty breaks during preschool dance classes are inevitable- it happens! We understand and will always bring your child out to you when they have to go. However, it is often contagious with preschoolers! When one has to go, they ALL have to go. Plus, your dancer will miss a portion of class, taking away from their experience. We recommend taking them before class. 

4. Practice good health habits and teach your preschooler about germs.

This is especially important when flu season rolls around! Encourage your dancer to keep their hands out of their mouth/eyes, wash their hands effectively and frequently, and cover their mouth while sneezing/coughing. Additionally, if your preschooler has a bug, we encourage them to stay home and make the class up at a later date. We allow makeup classes anytime within a month of the date they missed.

5. Talk about what will happen when they arrive and plan your “goodbye” ahead of time.

This is a great way not only to get your dancer EXCITED for preschool dance class but also to make sure there are no surprises that may cause a meltdown. Explain to your dancer that they will learn new dance moves, play games, and meet other friends who like to dance too. The car ride to dance class is a great time to remind your young dancer that moms and dads aren’t allowed in dance class, reducing the chance of tears and tantrums when it comes time to say goodbye. Tell your child that you’ll say goodbye with hugs and kisses when the teacher is ready for class to start, and you can’t wait to see their new dance/tumbling moves after class.

6. Celebrate their victories, and remember just finishing an independent class is worth celebrating!

Even if your child didn’t quite nail their tendus, or their 1st position looked more like 2nd position, they still deserve all the positive reinforcement they can get. Preschool-aged dancers are all at different stages of development naturally, so participation is the key element that we look for when evaluating their success. If they finish class, listen to their teacher, and treat other dancers with respect, be sure to congratulate them! If their tendus are beautiful, that may call for a special treat! 🙂

7. Point out role models.

Prestige Dance Studio is buzzing with beautiful dancers that your preschooler will probably be in awe of. Remind your dancer that most of those dancers started just as young as them, and may have even had the same teachers. Use the older dancers as examples and incentives for learning and growth!

If you are thinking about signing your preschooler up for dance classes, you’re in luck! We are still accepting enrollment, but hurry! Space is limited and many classes are full. Check out the weekly schedules and get registered today. We would love to see your preschool dancer in class!